We're All Time Traveling in the Mind of AI - Blockchains Included

We're All Time Traveling in the Mind of AI - Blockchains Included

As Steve Jobs so eloquently said, if you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution. Nearly 2.5 years ago the founders of Blocksquawk predicted the pace of quantum computing breakthroughs would rapidly and exponentially accelerate until the arrival of the post quantum era and quantum advantage resulting in the single greatest technological disruption in the history of humanity. Although such a prediction has very broad implications, we drew our attention to public key encryption, public blockchain networks, and the future of decentralized opportunity. At that time, we also began publicly articulating our concerns with PKE in terms of quantum computing - concerns that were later echoed by Ripple's (XRP) mathematician in a May 2024 Cointelegraph.com article. So what does such a prediction have to do with time traveling and todays blockchains?

While fine tuning a perspective of the future, it's often prudent to look back to move forward. In a tribute to a Kyle Bass axiom, we'll begin at an altitude of 30K feet and work our way down to ground level. First, we must investigate the rationale behind the invention of public blockchain technology. To do so, we reduce the BitCoin equation to its simplest and purest form. 'BitCoin equation' is shorthand for the motivations behind Satoshi Nakamoto's creation. Through our lense, Satoshi solved for:

1. The inability of individuals and most businesses to own, control, and profit from their own data via a legal business construct. Or more succinctly, decentralized data center ownership. 2. The inability for most citizens to legally and significantly influence monetary policy of the currency that sustains their lives while ensuring said currency is sound with a finite issuance capacity.

During the 15 years after the creation of BitCoin, 3 of the world's most valuable companies - Amazon, Google and Microsoft have leveraged their control of the data center market into multi-trillion USD market capitalizations and control of the cloud computing and AI industries. What assets are responsible for operating 50-60%+ of BitCoin and Ethereum nodes and the blockchain community's loss of true sovereignty? Data centers. What was the fastest growing cloud computing segment in 2023? Blockchain. Thats right, CSPs generated $19 billion from our technology because they own data centers. Fast forward into the post quantum era and what will consume 80% of the world's electricity by 2050? Data centers.

And now, AI talent has seen the writing on the wall and, in many cases, will only work for companies who can afford the latest GPUs powering - you guessed it - data centers. Clearly, data centers will be among the most critical and powerful of humanity's assets.

All while the anticipated arrival of quantum advantage has accelerated faster than anyone could have imagined in 2020 let alone 2009.

Recent analysis indicates AI increases the speed of scientific development at a rate of 200X the prevailing pace. Think about that — we are now time traveling nearly a year after Oded Regev refactored Shor's algorithm and reduced the amount of logic gates and thus qubits required to break PKE.

And when unexpected breakthrough products like LightSolver arrive with the ability to tackle optimization problems with 120^100 combinations are augmented with existing quantum computing powered algorithms, CRQC cannot be far behind. Considering the increase in IETF activity, our thesis is gaining traction among the most talented engineers in the world.

Regardless of the actual onset of Cryptograpically Relevant Quantum Computing, quantum breakthroughs will continue to accelerate exponentially until arrival. Therefore, we firmly believe all public blockchain organizations and their participants should proactively pivot toward the quantum era. We also believe that public blockchain organizations should leverage their collective $2.5 trillion market capitalization and the recent shift of regulatory wind direction to create a DAO owned data center paradigm shift. Imagine pre and post quantum capable data centers solving for scalability, sustainability, and true data sovereignty while generating significant recurring revenue from the same economic component slated to consume 80% of the world's electricity by 2050 - tectonic shift could be an understatement.

Until next time....