Building a Robust NextJS 14 Typescript MVP with Onyx

is an open-source full-stack web application boilerplate built with Next.js 14. It provides a solid foundation for rapidly developing minimum viable products (MVPs). This article explores the features and benefits of Onyx, highlighting why developers should consider using it for their next project

Building a Robust NextJS 14 Typescript MVP with Onyx
Onyx admin dashboard screenshot.

Onyx is an open-source full-stack web application boilerplate built with Next.js 14. It provides a solid foundation for rapidly developing minimum viable products (MVPs). This article explores the features and benefits of Onyx, highlighting why developers should consider using it for their next project. GitHub Repo stars

Unveiling Onyx

A quick look at the Onyx repository on GitHub reveals that it's a feature-rich boilerplate packed with powerful functionalities:

  • Full-stack with TypeScript: Onyx leverages TypeScript for robust type checking, enhancing code maintainability and reducing runtime errors.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): It implements RBAC, ensuring secure access management for users with different roles and permissions within the application.
  • Supabase Integration: Onyx seamlessly integrates Supabase for efficient server-side rendering (SSR) authentication and database management.
  • Validation with Zod and Yup: Zod and Yup libraries provide robust input validation, safeguarding your application from invalid data.
  • Tanstack React Query: This library empowers efficient data fetching and caching, optimizing application performance.
  • Markdown with React Components: Onyx supports Markdown pages with the ability to integrate React components, offering flexibility for content creation.
  • React Hook Form: It streamlines form handling with React Hook Form, simplifying form management and validation.
    Shadcn-UI: This component library provides a robust set of pre-built, accessible, and customizable UI components, saving you time and ensuring visual consistency.
    Vercel Analytics and Speed Insights: These tools are seamlessly integrated to offer valuable insights into your application's performance and user behavior, enabling data-driven optimization.

Advantages of Utilizing an MVP Boilerplate

Beyond the functionalities embedded within Onyx itself, there are significant advantages to using an MVP boilerplate for developers:

  • Faster Time-to-Market: Boilerplates like Onyx expedite the development process by eliminating the need for setting up essential configurations from scratch. This translates to quicker launches of MVPs, allowing you to test your ideas with real users sooner.
  • Enhanced Development Velocity: By leveraging pre-built components and functionalities, developers can focus their efforts on core application logic and unique features, accelerating the development process.
  • Reduced Development Costs: By saving time and resources on initial setup, MVP boilerplates can contribute to reduced development costs.
  • Improved Code Quality: Well-structured boilerplates often adhere to best practices and coding conventions, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.

Why Choose Onyx?

Onyx offers a compelling combination of features and benefits that make it an excellent choice for developers seeking to streamline the MVP development process. Here's a quick recap of why Onyx stands out:

  • Comprehensive Feature Set: Onyx provides a rich set of functionalities out-of-the-box, encompassing authentication, authorization, data management, validation, and more.
  • Next.js 14: Built with the latest version of Next.js, Onyx leverages the performance and SEO benefits of this popular framework.
  • Open-Source and Customizable: As an open-source project, Onyx is free to use and modify, allowing developers to tailor it to their specific project requirements.

By considering the advantages of MVP boilerplates and the unique features of Onyx, developers can make informed decisions to accelerate their development workflows and bring their ideas to life faster.