Get Onyx FREE!

Looking to get your MVP up and running in days instead of weeks or months? Onyx is a batteries included, full stack NextJS 14 app written in TypeScript that allows you to sign up users immediately with fully configured Supabase SSR authentication and Postgresql database connections, headers, cookies, storage, Zod and YUP! data validation, role based access control, Tailwind CSS, TanStack React Query, Shadcn-UI, OpenAI API ready playground UI, podcast/music page, and more. Onyx is also available in 'DApp form' with Web3Modal multi EVM chain connections with access to over 380 blockchain wallets.

Market Insights


Article1 day ago

Make Your SMB an AI Powerhouse

In the business world, 2023 has been the year of artificial intelligence (AI). OpenAI’s ChatGPT — an AI powered language model — experienced the fastest user growth in history reaching 100M users in two months. The success of ChatGPT has drawn in fresh investment into OpenAI from Microsoft to the tune of $10 billion USD. Microsoft’s Bing is now augmented with ChatGPT which has forever changed the Alphabet (Google) dominated search engine business model. Bing with ChatGPT-4 is essentially a free personal AI assistant that has the knowledge of literally everything found on the internet.

Robert Mourey Jr avatarRobert Mourey Jr
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Article2 days ago

What if US State retirement systems became DAO’s controlled by pensioners?

It’s no secret that many US States are saddled with enormous debts that may never be fully repaid. It’s also no secret that many state pensions are underfunded and in danger at performing better as barber shop offering free ‘haircuts’ then a retirement vehicle. Jokes aside, lets discuss, possible solutions. DAO’s-(decentralized autonomous organization for the uninitiated)-can allow pensioners full control of their retirement by the very nature of the DAO. The members of the DAO, typically vis a vi ownership of the coin or token associated with the DAO, are afforded what are known as DAO governance rights.

Robert Mourey Jr avatarRobert Mourey Jr
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